Working Backwards

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Problem: If a product is created without focusing on donor needs, it may not be valuable or appealing to them.

Solution: Start by imagining the ideal experience for donors, then build the product around meeting those needs to make it truly useful and engaging.


Instead of starting with an idea for a product and trying to find donors for it, this process begins with the donor needs and works backwards to develop the solution.


To adopt the "working backwards" approach, follow these steps:

  1. Define the Desired Donor Experience: Start by envisioning the ideal experience for our donors. Rather than focusing on internal business objectives or available technology, prioritize what will make the product or service exceptional from the donor’s perspective.
  2. Draft a PR/FAQ Document: Write a press release (PR) and a set of frequently asked questions (FAQ) as if we are announcing the product or service today. The press release should be donor-oriented, highlighting the main benefits, features, and the unique value proposition. This exercise clarifies how the product will impact donors and encourages a sharp focus on their needs.

      • Title: Clear, donor-focused headline
      • Target Audience: Who will use this product
      • Problem Statement: The donor problem being solved
      • Solution: How the product solves this problem
      • Donor Quote: Hypothetical quote showing donor value
      • Getting Started: How donors begin using the product


    2. External FAQs: Questions donors might ask
    3. Internal FAQs: Technical and business questions:
      • How will we build this?
      • What's the business model?
      • What are the costs?
      • What are the risks?
      • What are the technical challenges?
  3. Refine the PR/FAQ through Iteration: Go through multiple drafts of the PR/FAQ, gathering feedback and addressing potential gaps. Refine this document until it clearly reflects a valuable and compelling donor experience, ensuring that the project is focused on delivering tangible benefits.
  4. Anticipate and Test Assumptions: Use the FAQ to think through different customer questions and scenarios. This will help uncover assumptions and potential challenges early on, allowing us to refine the product concept and reduce the need for significant adjustments later in development.